Wednesday 27 March 2013


Winter doesn't want to leave. Even as I type this, it is snowing... in March. I remember, this time last year, there was a heatwave. Crazyyy

Last Saturday, Adam participated in Birmingham Malaysian Games where he played his all-time favourite sport, squash. (But at the end of the day, he said he never ever wants to play it again. I think he might be tired of it, haha.)
Adam with his medal
Participants, volunteers, a president and kak Umi
Sarah, Adam, me, and kak Umi
Despite the cold weather, we had such a nice day out...

The snow made the campus look like Narnia, so of course we had a bit of a photoshoot

The flowers don't stand a chance :( 
But these daffodils are fighting!

The snow is very deep. In some parts of the UK, vehicles, sheep and people
have been buried and trapped in the snow and have to be rescued.

These photos were all I took because my phone was low on battery and ran out of memory :(

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Tick Tock

In one month, I will turn 21. I'm not like everyone else, panicking about getting older and not feeling young anymore. Thinking like that is so silly and close minded. You are as young as you want to feel or act, and there are many wonderful things in our future waiting to greet us, like new friends, new opportunities, new family members, our job, marriage, umrah... the list goes on. This life is short and it's a waste of time worrying about staying in the past or present. We are moving forwards and closer towards death without realising it. It's important to appreciate what we have while we have it and accept anything that Allah throws at us.
But to be completely honest, I did get a little shocked when I saw the number "21". I think this is because so many things have happened to me during the age of 20, and I felt like I didn't really want to let go of it because being 20 means those memories are still alive. I've never had that feeling before this (because nothing interesting really happened, haha.) But, like I said, time is moving quickly and there's nothing I can do but be thankful. I've really enjoyed being 20 and I look forward to what 21 brings.

20 and 2012/2013, I will miss youuuuu

Busy bee

Ya Allah, it is already March! Why is time flying by so fast? I've been very busy recently but now everything is back to normal. We can say hello to the sun and the spring, to the flowers and the birds, and goodbye to cold, winter days.

What I've been up to:

We finally did our performance for Warwick Mnight. It was nice to be a part of it again.

One last practice before the show!

Coventry University Malaysian Society at Warwick Malaysia Night 2013 :)

With Pei Shen and Amalina and I am wearing...a kebaya.

The audience! I don't know why, but it seems no matter how big or small an audience, I will always, always be nervous for a performance ;____; How do I get rid of this? More practice? Aiyaaa~

My Dikirians were ah-mazing. I'm very proud of them and I'm happy to know them.
I just feel a bit bad for letting them down with my poor performance, but what's done is done.

A couple of days after Mnight, I went to watch SingSoc Production of Twist of Fate. 
It was hilarious! I wish I could watch it again and bring along my other friends who didn't come.
I'll definitely be attending next year's, insyaAllah.

I wrote a new song!

CVUMASOC ice skating day :)

Kak Siti joined too, and she was so frightened like a little mouse. 
She couldn't even concentrate on looking at the camera!

It's not every day that I dapat keluar makan with Kak Siti. I will always see pictures of her makan sini, minum sana. I'm not a Warwick student ;___; and I'm not TESL. We ate at the Noodle Bar!

Not every day I get to keluar makan with these two, either!! Thank you Kak Siti for belanja-ing us ngee

We had lovely weather the other day, so I went out for a run.
(Funny thing is, it's snowing right now. Yep, in March, haha)

Allyanne was terribly ill for a week and she could hardly move or speak. It was nice because the house was quite and clean. She just slept and laid there. Cute... like a cat.


This time of year is usually the busiest because of my assignment and since it's my final year, I don't want to fail!! I.Must.Graduate. But it's so easy to get distracted, especially since there are so many events happening. It's super hard to prioritise things but a lot of my time is wasted on Twitter, Whatsapp, Line, and Instagram. Argh, social networking, damn youuuu!! I have one project due next Wednesday, 20th March, and then I have my final everything due 26th April. No Easter holiday for me then (but I don't deserve one, anyway). I just came back from Post Mnight Social. It makes me sad because I don't think I'll ever hang out or even see those people again. But that's another event, out of the way. The next one is this coming Friday, which is TTFN's Song for Friends. I don't really know what to say about it except, yes, I'm nervous.
