Tuesday 2 April 2013

Surah Al-Ala, The Most High.

The other night before I went to bed, I was on the Quran app on my iPhone, reading through surahs when I came across surah Al-Ala. The great thing about the app is that it has translations and I read through it. Surah Al-Ala, meaning The Most High, is an amazing surah and I fell asleep with it in mind.

But when I woke up the next morning, I checked Twitter to find someone had direct messaged me. It was from a muslim guy who I follow but have never met and do not know. He had sent me an audio link of surah Al-Ala. MashaAllah, what is this!? A coincidence? Did the guy know I was reading surah Ala, last night? I asked the guy and he said he sent it randomly, and once I told him about what happened, he too was shocked. Allah truly is amazing. He is The Most High, just as surah Al-Ala describes. But I couldn't understand what it meant, was Allah up to something?

So a couple of days later, I tell my friend about this and she says, 'SubhanAllah! This means Allah has a plan.' And she tells me about a video she watched on Youtube about the translation of surah Ad-Dhuha, and how she cried all the way through.

So, I watch this video... and although the guy in the video is giving a talk to a large audience, I felt as if he was talking directly to me. Everything he said was something I could relate to, currently. He talks about depression and even though I'm not currently depressed, it doesn't mean I don't feel lost. I've been stressed with work and the short amount of time that I have to get it all done by, that I haven't been able to truly focus in my prayers. And Sh Tawfique Chowdury talks about that exactly and says that he too feels that way sometimes.

Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar, Allahuakbar. Allah knew that this would happen, and He brought me a solution before I could even admit and realise that something is wrong.

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