Friday 7 June 2013

I'm back


Gosh, it's been a while since I've written a blog post. I never realised how much I missed it. It's only been a month or so but a lot has happened. I wouldn't know how and where to re-begin. I guess I should start off with why I've been neglecting this space in the first place...


If you really knew me, you'd know how much I love to write. I don't do it often, but I love it. And it's actually quite strange since I'm a designer yet I've never been able to visually express myself. That's where SoundCloud comes in. Many of my close friends know that I write songs and recently, I've been doing it at a more regular pace. I've found that songwriting is such an amazing, fun, and creative outlet where I can experiment with music and lyrics, but also express how I feel about something. And I guess that's why I completely forgot about this blog: I found an alternative way to talk about what I'm thinking and feeling. I don't know much and I'm not that talented but I enjoy it, nonetheless, and insyaAllah, I hope to improve and get better!

In other news, 

I've just finished my degree, alhamdulillah, and am planning to apply for a Masters in Creative Advertising or Graphic Design. It's so difficult to get enthusiastic about it when all I want to do at the moment is sit and write songs. But I need to remember, that life is about balance and I need to do what I can now to build a supporting foundation/platform for myself, before I can start making my way to where I want to be. Gradually but eventually, insyaAllah.

Okay, that's all I can be bothered to type about, for now. Bye.

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